Daniel Traian Pele
Professor, PhD
Daniel Traian Pele graduated Mathematics at University of Bucharest (2000) and got his Ph.D. in Statistics (2007) at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. He currently serves as an Associate Professor at Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, teaching Statistics of Financial Markets and Time Series. He is an author of more than 20 scientific publications in internationally refereed journals. The corresponding research profile is that of a data scientist, focused on statistical modelling of financial markets. He was a postdoctoral researcher at ICMA Centre, Reading University, United Kingdom (2011) and a Guest Researcher at Research Data Center from Department of Statistics, Humboldt University from Berlin (2014). He is the co-founder of SAS Centre of Excellence in Bucharest University of Economic Studies (2009), aiming to use SAS as a platform for analytics with applications in economy and finance. He was also a World Bank consultant in Romania and he taught courses of Statistics, Econometrics and SAS for the employees of the Romanian National Bank (BNR), National Statistical Institute (INS) and other financial institutions.